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Net pay from private lessons?
Posted by pakarinen
8/20/2010  1:18:00 PM
Ok, I'm not asking for identifiable specifics, but there is a "spirited" debate on what percentage an instructor-employee (at an indy studio)can expect to make from a private lesson after a studio owner takes their cut. (No offense owners, we know you have overhead, etc.)

If a student paid their instructor say $50 for an hour lesson, could one assume the instructor would walk away with $40? $30? $25? Or is that completely variable by studio?

Thanks for any insight.
Based on what I
Posted by jofjonesboro
8/20/2010  1:27:00 PM
At the studio where I dance, we pay $50 for a private lesson and the instructor pays a floor fee of $10, so I'd say your guess is right on the money.

Of course, other "independent" studios in Atlanta charge more, usually $65. I'm not sure how much of that they kick back. I'm happy with my instructors so I don't really care.

I'm also not sure how they work out the split for classes.

You'll just have to approach each studio individually.

Re: Net pay from private lessons?
Posted by terence2
8/21/2010  12:25:00 AM
I normally used to pay $10 ( 6/10 pounds,,here now).

Classes are negotiated..percentage and or set fee..

Coaching has a different structure..
Re: Net pay from private lessons?
Posted by belleofyourball
8/21/2010  12:44:00 AM
In the studios I've been in (indy) the floor fee is $10 for a single/couple. My instructor pays the $10 out of what I pay him. I've been in 8 others in the area and $10 is the prevailing rate.
Re: Net pay from private lessons?
Posted by anymouse
8/22/2010  12:22:00 AM
An independent studio and an independent teacher are two different things.

If a student purchases a lesson from the studio, the person who teaches it will probably receive between 30-60% of the lesson price.

If a student purchases a lesson from an independent teacher, the studio will be paid a fixed fee for the use of the floor, regardless of what that teacher sets their lesson rate at.

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